Dr. Eleftherios Fokaefs was born in 1956 in Istanbul. He graduated in 1980 from the Medical School of the University of Athens. He completed the Specialty of General Surgery at the Children's Hospital Pan. and Aglaia Kyriakou and Urology at the Cancer Hospital of Piraeus “METAXA” and then at the Urology Clinic of the General Hospital of Athens in 1986. In 1989 he was elected Curator B 'at the Urology Clinic of the University Hospital of Patras and showed a gradual rise to the ranks of Public Health System (1995: Curator A ', 2003: Deputy Director, 2009: Director). He trained in the field of Surgical Oncology for one year at the Urology Clinic Klinikum Barmen, Wuppertal, Germany. Since 1998 he is a member of the Transplant Team of the Transplant Center of Compact Organs of the University Hospital of Patras. In 2002 he was an ATLS trainer, while in 2004 he trained for three months at the Urology Clinic, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, OH, USA